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Supporting Children with Cancer with the Dorcas Foundation

Visit to LUTH for the Dorcas Cancer Foundation Hands of Gold Program

At The Bella Disu Foundation (BDF), we firmly believe in standing by those battling adversity, especially the young warriors facing the challenges of childhood cancer. Partnering with the Dorcas Cancer Foundation, we embarked on a visit to the Lagos University Teaching Hospital (LUTH) to participate in the Hands of Gold program.

Dorcas Cancer Foundation: A Beacon of Hope

The Dorcas Cancer Foundation is a national non-profit organization dedicated to supporting children and young persons suffering from cancer in Nigeria, alongside their families. Their tireless efforts in improving childhood cancer research, early detection, and proper treatment are a beacon of hope for countless families across the nation.

Sharing Joy Through Gifts

During our visit, The Bella Disu Foundation had the privilege of donating 40 party packs to each of the brave children present – 30 for boys and 10 for girls. These carefully curated party packs were filled with delightful toys and educational items, aiming to bring smiles to the faces of these young heroes amidst their challenging journey.

Empowering the Families

Recognizing the vital role of parents and guardians in a child's cancer journey, we extended our support to them as well. The Bella Disu Foundation provided branded merchandise, including drawstring bags, water bottles, notebooks, pens, and t-shirts, to show our solidarity with the families and to remind them that they are not alone in this fight.

Numbers That Matter

During this heartwarming visit, we had the opportunity to meet and support 30 children and their parents or caregivers. Among these children, 18 were under the direct care of the Dorcas Cancer Foundation, while the remaining 12 were admitted to the hospital for treatment.

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